Latest version: 5.2.18, Release Date: 2/5/2025
Groundwater Desktop uses the same instalation files for all three versions of program: Free viewer, Student and Profesional.
GWD can be used without any registration as a FREE Viewer in which case importing, exporting, printing and animation capabilities
are disabled and is perfect for sharing your visualization files with colleagues and clients.
Student version is also free and fully functional but number of the model cells is limited.
Please contact the customer suport for further instructions:
Profesional version is protected by the USB HASP licence key which can be ordered
If network license has been purchased user must install Sentinel Run-Time Environment
software on any computer within user domain network.
To open Admin Control Center, open a web browser and connect to
After downloading the installation file, unzip the file and run the "setup.exe" program.
In case of your computer doesn't have .Net Framework 4.8.1 installed,
when the first time GWD is launched, you will be prompted to connect to the Microsoft web site and download and install .Net 4.8.1
Runtime version and restart the computer.